April Wyss, AAP

April Wyss, AAP photo

April Wyss, AAP

Business Project Analyst 1

April Wyss is a SHAZAM EFT client support department project analyst with an Accredited ACH Professional (AAP) certification. A 23-year SHAZAM veteran with five years of credit union operations experience, April consults on project teams to ensure the client’s perspective is considered and built into new and improved products and services.

Posted By This Team Member

  • Calls answered by SHAZAM EFT customer service 24/7/365

    posted by April Wyss, AAP on Wednesday, February 3, 2021

    Over the next few months, you'll meet key SHAZAM staff as we highlight our support teams. When you place a call or send an email asking for assistance, rest assured you're speaking with some of the most knowledgeable folks in the industry. Today, meet April Beck-Wyss, SHAZAM EFT client support department project analyst.