Articles - 2019

  • ‘Tis the season for fraud

    posted by Liz Little (Retired) on Friday, December 13, 2019

    With the holidays right around the corner, ‘tis the season for fraud. We're hearing reports of an uptick in phishing attempts, and we feel it's important to pass that along to you. To protect your cardholders from these aggressive phishing attempts, we're sharing tips and what to do if a cardholder falls victim.

  • Train employees to keep company data safe

    posted by Stephan Thomasee on Wednesday, December 11, 2019

    During the holiday season, there's a chance employees may do some online shopping at the office. Train employees to be alert and watch for scams that can compromise security.

  • Federal Reserve's FedNow Service will offer faster payments solutions

    posted by Paul Waltz on Wednesday, November 13, 2019

    In August, the Federal Reserve announced it will develop a new round-the-clock real-time payment and gross settlement service. FedNow Service will enable financial institutions of every size to offer their accountholders a way to move money in real time between other people and businesses.

  • Business Email Compromise is major threat to companies

    posted by Stephan Thomasee on Wednesday, October 23, 2019

    The FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center 2018 Report listed losses of $1.2 billion due to business email compromise — also known as CEO impersonation. Follow these tips to help prevent fraud at your institution.

  • Implement a people-centric cybersecurity approach

    posted by Stephan Thomasee on Wednesday, October 16, 2019

    When fighting fraudsters, focus your efforts on people, not places. Cybercriminals target people to click, reply or engage to carry out an attack. A first step in keeping your institution secure is to implement a standard for strong passwords.

  • Best practices for keeping mobile data safe

    posted by Ben Hayden on Wednesday, September 25, 2019

    Smartphones and tablets are smaller and easier to misplace than a corporate laptop but can store just as much sensitive data. If your employees use a smartphone or other mobile device for work purposes, follow these guidelines to protect business information.

  • Get involved in your community's preparedness

    posted by Amanda Holmgaard on Wednesday, September 18, 2019

    Hurricanes, flash floods, wildfires, tornadoes. From coast to coast disasters vary, but in the aftermath the needs are the same: Food, shelter and money. Take time to review your business continuity plan during September's National Preparedness Month.

  • Don't let email jeopardize your security

    posted by Stephan Thomasee on Wednesday, August 28, 2019

    Email is a fast and easy way to distribute information, both to legitimate recipients and fraudulent ones. The next time you log on, take these steps to protect you and your business from fraud.

  • Social media 101

    posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2019

    It's back to school time! Which means it's also the perfect time of year to learn something — like using social media — but first, a pop quiz! What's the goal of advertising? 1. ABC – Always be closing 2. Convert potential consumers to consumers 3. Create awareness

  • Protect cardholder information with mobile banking

    posted by Liz Little (Retired) on Wednesday, August 14, 2019

    A great way to protect your cardholders is to offer a mobile banking tool that can detect fraud in real time through a smartphone — in other words, a fraud-fighting app.