SHAZAM Employees Bring Cheer to Iowa Families 

posted on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 in SHAZAM Blog

After suffering a loss, the usually festive holiday season can be challenging for grieving families. SHAZAM employees recently showed their support by wrapping EveryStep Cheer Boxes in our Des Moines office. Cheer Boxes are holiday boxes of specially chosen gifts to help guide families through grief.

The Cheer Box program is a long-standing tradition and one of many grief and loss support services offered through Every Step’s Amanda the Panda program. Each December, Amanda the Panda sends Cheer Boxes to Iowa families experiencing a difficult time.

Group of smiling people

Making a Difference in the Community

“By participating in the Cheer Box program, our employees feel like they have a part in making a difference in people’s lives when they need it most,” said Jackie Rolow, SHAZAM’s Chief HR Officer. “For the past several years, it’s been our honor as an organization to support EveryStep and their commitment to helping Iowa families.”

Jackie added that the Cheer Box program also has a personal connection for her family as they were recipients of a box last year after losing her mother-in-law right before the holidays. “There was a knock at our door. A lovely lady handed me a box, hugged me, and told me we were not alone. I remember it like it was yesterday.”

EveryStep will deliver 775 Cheer Boxes this holiday season to grieving individuals and families throughout Iowa.

“SHAZAM is a great example of how nonprofits and businesses can work together. The wrapping events are something their employees love, and it helps us get those boxes out to Cheer Box recipients. Their employees understand the impact that they’re making; they’re really enthusiastic about it,” said Julie Matternas, EveryStep Foundation Executive Director.

To learn how to nominate someone to receive a Cheer Box during the 2023 holiday season, email


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